Animated text in Power Apps Animated text in Power Apps

Mar 13, 2024

Most animated text tutorials tell you about using timers, but SVGs are far superior. Here's how to do it in Power Apps.

#PowerApps #PowerFx #Animated #SVG 

Animated progress bar in Power Apps Animated progress bar in Power Apps

Mar 8, 2024

Most animated progress bar tutorials tell you about using timers, but SVGs are far superior. Here's how to do it in Power Apps.

#PowerApps #PowerFx #Animated #SVG 

Checking group security in Power Apps Checking group security in Power Apps

Feb 22, 2024

Extracting a user's security roles is one thing, getting them from the user's security groups as well is a whole other ball game. Let's find out how to do it!

#PowerApps #PowerFx #Dataverse #SecurityRoles #Security 

Setting permissions in Power Apps using Security Roles Setting permissions in Power Apps using Security Roles

Feb 16, 2024

Don't hard code your permissions to specific users. This article will show you how to follow best practices by utilising security roles.

#PowerApps #PowerFx #Dataverse #SecurityRoles #Security 

5 free tools to help a Power Apps developer 5 free tools to help a Power Apps developer

Feb 7, 2024

Here are 5 tools to boost your productivity and help you to be a better Power Platform consultant / developer

#PowerApps #Tools #Software #Extensions